The peace treaties had defined reparations on the part of Germany, which should have given a certain type of reparation and which it will not do, which led France to occupy the Ruhr region in order to guarantee the exploitation of the property, to guarantee the reparations provided for by the pact. It is a conflict that is not dealt with by the League of Nations. It is a conflict that France can provoke as a result of the Treaty of Versailles. This annexation of German territory will lead to this situation with a whole series of consequences. The occupation of the Ruhr region will weaken France`s interests. In this context, a State that is a permanent member of the Council may also annex the territory of another State, which does not automatically result in the measures provided for in the Covenant of the League of Nations. With the influence and support of Shotwell and Butler, French Foreign Minister Aristide Briand proposed a peace pact as a bilateral agreement between the United States and France to prohibit war between them. France, particularly affected by the First World War, faced the persistent insecurity of its German neighbor and sought alliances to strengthen its defenses. Briand published an open letter with the proposal in April 1927. Although the proposal received enthusiastic support from some members of the American peace movement, U.S. President Calvin Coolidge and Secretary of State Frank B.
Kellogg were less eager than Briand to strike a bilateral agreement. They feared that the agreement would be interpreted as a bilateral alliance and called on the United States to intervene if France was ever threatened.