Lease Agreement Concept

MLS/KARIN may, at its discretion, rent a key to unlicensed personal assistants under the direct supervision of a REALTOR® member association, under the same conditions as REALTOR® members, provided that a rental agreement is signed by the applicant and the designated REALTOR of the company® for which the licensed delegate works, signs the “Authorization for Personal Assistant to Hold Key” form. Residential rental agreements set out in writing the main conditions between the tenant and the lessor in order to avoid errors of interpretation or confusion as to the person who has access to the property and the conditions of access. A lease is simply a contract between a landlord and a tenant that determines what the tenant pays monthly for rent and for how long. Rental agreements, like many contracts, tend to intimidate some people, as much of the language in the contract can be confusing. Suppose a small contractor rents a property for 30 years to operate a gas station. The rental agreement contains a clause stipulating that the lessor may revoke the contract without specifying the causes and without notice. If the tenant complies with his obligations under the rental agreement, but the lessor revokes the lease without notice, the clause allowing termination without notice may be ruthless. A finding of scruples must be made by a judge or jury on the basis of the facts. The factual may take into account factors such as the relative bargaining power of the parties, other terms in the lease, the purpose of the lease, and the potential loss to one of the parties due to the terms of the lease. Using a tool like Rentometer is useful for looking for rent comparisons near you….