India Post led the recruitment campaign to fill the vacancies declared for GDS in the circles mentioned below. The online check-in process started on schedule. Registration and fee filing, online application: India Post Office has invited online applications for the recruitment of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) on its official website. Interested and suitable candidates can apply for positions online under India Post is making this recruitment for the vacant positions of the Branch Postman/Assistant Branch Postman/Dak Sevak. Online registration, application submission and fee payment for India Post GDS Recruitment 2020 has been launched for different circles. The only online application is accepted by the candidate. A candidate who wishes to apply online, must register on the portal via or, with the following basic details to obtain the registration number:i) name (in capital letters according to class X certificate grades with spaces)ii) Father Nameiii) Mobile phone number (unique for a registration number)iv) Date of birthv) Sexevi) Communityvii) PH – type of disability – (HH / OH / VH) Percentage of disabled state) In that it class X passed) Board, in class X passedx) year of existence X Klassexi) Class X Certificate number / roll number (optional). Interested and eligible candidates are recommended to apply for these positions at the earliest online under Suppliers wanted Drive for e-commerce giant AO We are looking for a two-headed delivery team that needs to be the smile behind AO. Driving with us means beautifying every customer day with the latest technology and electricity. That means competitive revenues, well.
For the registration, commission and submission of the online application, the selection is made in accordance with the automatically generated list of services in accordance with the rules based on the online applications of the candidates. No weighting is given for higher education. Only the scores obtained in the 10th standard of approved cards, aggregated to the accuracy of 4 decimal places, are the criteria for the end of the selection. The male OC/OBC/EWS category applicant should pay a rule 100/- (one hundred rupee) fee for each set of five options. An applicant who needs to make the payment must go to a main post office or other identified post offices in India. The names of the offices are available on the website. Dak Sevaks: The job profile of Dak Sevaks includes all functions of stamp and stationery sales, mail transport and distribution and all other tasks assigned by the Postmaster/Sub Postmaster, including the work of the IPPB in departmental post offices/RMS. JustPhysio is looking for a Volume 6 Elderly Medical Locum Physiotherapists to work in the Swansea area. This position is a full-time position starting on 05.10.2020 for a period of two months. Start: 05/10/2020 Duration: 2 months Salary: 21 – 24 Volume 6 Full-time evaluation. . .